natasha borenko & co
fluid theatre maker and her collaborations
solo-project and alter-ego of NB
A drag-king of stupidity and dumbness with some sensational mustache on his face. Performing at soli-parties and clubs of Berlin
mit dem Stadtensemble des Nationaltheaters Mannheim, 2024
Eine Versammlung mit Kriegszeugnissen von Frauen und Texten von Lidiia Golovanova

Mit: Yasmin Ahmed, Kajaw Ahmed, Nina Alerić, Greta Alberti, Sari Dorian, Amanda Kelly Godwins, Henriette Heinrich, Zita Hoefer, Juliya Lyubchenko, Kateryna Mariash, Edona Imeri Meta, Viktoria Müller, Natice Orhan-Daibel, Claudia Pflaum-Richter, Berrin Seker, Maria Stickel, Tina Stottko, Marfa Vutianova

Regie Natasha Borenko
Bühne & KostümKsenia Peretrukhina
Texte Lidiia Golovanova
Dramaturgie Beata Anna Schmutz
Sounddesign Friedrich Byusa Blam

with Lidiia Golovanova, BallhausOst, Berlin, 2023

A participatory performance exploring the political nature of contemporary funeral ritual. We die alone. But we bury someone together. Both funeral and theatre is a collective act, both hold political potential. During this full scale ceremony audience bury performer's Russian body that wants to do no more harm, that can turn into fruitful compost to give life to cleaner, more peaceful existence.

With Kim Walz, Lena Neuburger, Ksenia Peretrukhina, Ray Schneider, Ann Slote, Martha Lange, Stephanie Zurstegge
In collaboration with BallhausOst & Fonds DartellendeKuenste
with She She Pop, HAU, Berlin, 2022

Ten years ago in Drawers, She She Pop members sat across from some of their East German contemporaries. Drawers explored the systemic conditions that forged their identities, showing two strong ideologies and opposing doctrines each with their inner logic. Our self-images, however, have not survived the past ten years and the myths of where we came from already lay in ruins. Can a common future even be built on the baggage of the past, the failed utopias of our parents’ generation and the abuse and injustice of the past 30 years?

Premiered at HAU, Berlin, 7.12.2022

with Lidiia Golovanova and Masha Korkodinova, 2021
Staged Reading of Lidia Golovanova's play ‘Carpenter’ at The Lubimovka Independent Playwriting Festival, 09.09.2021. Actress - Masha Korkodinova.
with Berlin-based artists from Russia Ada Mukhina and Lisa Siomicheva,
Luxemburg, 2021
A site-specific participatory game-performance in Berlin where we research children’s neighbourhood street games from different cultures and generations around the world and reflect on their rules.

with Venera Galimova, Anastasia Radvogina, Dina Safina
for MOÑ.Kazan, 2020
A game-performance where citizens are re-imagening their city without the city-center. Premiered in MOÑ.Kazan, 2020. Re-created for Nikitinsky Theatre in Voronezh, 2021.
watch the tizer
with Anna Osypova, Berlin, 2019 - 2021
A series of workshops and a podcast where we're interrogating all the old literature plots with a gender-sensitive view. Fairy tales, myths, novels by great classics - all texts are questioned for the sake of finding recepies of gender-sensitive writing in russian language.
with Maria Kolosova and citizens of Saint-Petersburg, 2018

/co-director, pedagogue

A participatory performance (Theatre of The Oppressed methode) on a topic of opression of teachers in a modern school system. Created together with teachers, activists and queer-people of Saint-Petersburg. In a frame of the Forum Theatre Program by Theatre Project VMESTE.
with the Theatre of Reciprocal Actions, Moscow, 2017
A mockumentary site-specific performance, a guided tour in the Museum that is dedicated to the events of 1989, when aliens landed in Siberia. Created by three visual theatre artists, a playwright and a producer, with no director.
read about (de)
with Kirill Shirokov, Ekaterina Vasileva
and coOPERAtion project, 2017
"An opera-sadness of avoidance. Verbal and sound pattern of release, separation and deliverance. Thin lines on the temporal grid of disintegratio".
A mini-opera written together with composer Kirill Shirokov during the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre Laboratory of young composers and playwrights «COOPERATION 2017». Performed by vocal theater «La Gol» and GAM ensemble, directed by Ekaterina Vasileva, choreographed by Jaroslav Frantsev.
with Ada Mukhina, Maria Kolosova
for the ICAF Festival, Rotterdam, 2017

/playwright, performer

An immersive theatre piece about the newest wave of Russian emigration. Co-created together with a concept-author and director Ada Mikhina, performed together with Maria Kolosova. 
with Maria Kolosova and The Youth Centre of The Hermitage Museum, 2017
A documentary performance made together with students of Saint Petersburg, based on a research of museum visitors interaction with the scandalouse Jan Fabre's exhibition "Knight of Despair / Warrior of Beauty". In a frame of the Documentary Theatre School Program by Theatre Project VMESTE.
with Maria Kolosova,
Garage Contemporary Art Museum in Moscow (2017)
Arsenal Contemporary Art Museum (2018)

/co-director, pedagogue

Two seperate projects in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod where groups of young people created performances using "invisible theatre" methode by Augusto Boal and played the performances inside the Museums of Contemporary Arts.
Together with Teans Team of the Garage Contemporary Art Museum in Moscow (2017)
and young actors of Nizhny Novgorod and Arsenal Contemporary Art Museum (2018)
with Maria Kolosova, The Festival «Children's Days in St Petersburg» and The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications, Saint-Petersburg, 2017

/co-director, pedagogue

Documentary audiowalk-performance with the focus on contemporary types of communication inside the Popov Central Museum of Communications. Was created by participants of the Documentary Theater School by Theatre project VMESTE for the Festival «Children's Days in St Petersburg»
with Inna Boyarova, Anastasia Kazmina, Natalia Naumova, Alexandr Spasibo at The New stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg, 2015-2016

/creator, pedagogue

A three months project where a group of teens got to learn a playwrighting basics and wrote their own plays (under the supervision and mentorship from Natasha). The presentation of plays was held on January 17, 2016 as part of the New Play for Children Festival at the New stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre. The play "Rybka" by Anastasia Kazmina was later short-lister for the Young Playwrights Festival Lyubimovka 2016.
with the Upsala Circus, Maria Kolosova, Theatre project VMESTE and young men of the Special Residential School for juvenile offenders N1, Saint-Petersburg, 2016
Documentary circus parcour-performance with imprisoned young men in a frame of the Circus Rebels for Peace project, initiated by the Upsala Circus, that works with children and young people in difficult life situations, from social risk groups or in crisis situations.
with Garry Robson (UK), Kultproject (Moscow), Tomsk Skomorokh State Puppet Theatre and Indigo Deaf Theatre in Tomsk, Russia, 2016
A theatre performance, directed by UK based director Garry Robson in the Tomsk Skomorokh State Puppet Theatre. Natasha Borenko wrote an adoptation of the play “The Last Show of Superheroes”. Puppets and scenery by Viktor Nikonenko. The show is created together with actors of the Indigo Deaf Theatre in Tomsk and performed in Russian and in RSL. This was one of the first integrated productions to be performed on a main stage in Russia. The production got to the long-list of the Golden Mask (Russian BAFTA) for ‘Outstanding Production’. 
with Ada Mukhina,14 teenagers
and the Tovstonogov's Bolshoi Drama Theatre, Saint-Petersburg, 2015
A documentary performance created together with 14 teenagers in a frame of a "New People" project in th Tovstonogov's Bolshoi Drama Theatre, Saint-Petersburg. In a frame of the Documentary Theatre School Program by Theatre Project VMESTE.
with Karolina Žernite (Lithuanian),
the Aistenok Puppet Theatre, Irkutsk, Russia, 2015
A sensory theater performance, staged by lithuanian director Karolina Žernite with the adoptation of the Caliph Stork fary written by Natasha Borenko. Performance could be performed for the audience that is visually impaired and with the option for not-blind audience to follow the story without seeing it but through the other sences.
with Ada Mukhina and teenagers of Saint-Petersburg, 2015.
A documentary theatre piece about “us” and “them”. Co-created together with a direktor Ada Mukhina, co-created by and with participants of the Documentary Theater School by Theatre project VMESTE. Perfromed on the stage of the Laboratory ON.Theatre. 
read about (de)


creating and conducting lectures, short- and longterm workshops on:
  • creating participatory theatre projects ("Bürger*innenbühne" programs), participatory museum projects,
  • theatre/art tools for empowering citizen participation;
  • gender-sensitive writing, gender-sensitive pedagogy;
  • theatre tools for peace work and conflict transformation;
  • documentary playwrighting and documentary theatre;
  • making documentary theatre performances together with (marginalized) communities;
  • playwrighting.

OWEN e.V. - Mobile Academy for Gender Democracy and Peacebuilding e.V. (Berlin)

She She Pop (künstlerische Mirarbeit: Mauern, 2022, Kanon, 2019, Berlin)
BallhausOst (2023)
Stadtensemble des Nationaltheaters Mannheim

MOÑ (Kazan),
Theatre Project VMESTE
Upsala Circus (Saint-Petersburg),
Nikitinsky Theater (Voronezh, 2021)
Theater project "VMESTE" (Saint-Petersburg, 2014-2019)
Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater (Saint-Petersburg, 2015-2018),
"Lyubimovka", Festival of young playwrights (Moscow, 2017),
Drama and Puppet Theater "Skomorokh" in Tomsk (Tomsk, Russia, 2016),
The New Stage os the Alexandrisky Theater (2014-2016)

Alexandra Abakshina
Venera Galimova

Lidiia Golovanova (Berlin)

Maria Kolosova
Lyosha Lobanov
Martha Lange, Stephanie Zurstegge (Berin)
Nitsan Margaliot (Israel)
Ada Mukhina
Alexandra Mun

Lena Neuburger (Vienna)

Shifra Kazhdan
Anna Osypova (Berlin)
Ksenia Peretrukhina
Sacha Poliakova (Samoleot, France)
Sasha Portyannikova
Anastasia Radvogina
Garry Robson (UK)
Lisa Siomicheva
Ray Schneider / Discount (Berlin)
Dina Safina
Ann Slote (Berlin)
Ashley Wright (Australia)
Kim Walz (Berlin)
Karolina Žernytė (Lithuania)

Arsenal, Museum of Contemporary Art (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2018),
Garage, Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow, 2017&2018),
The Youth Center of The Hermitage (Saint-Petersburg, 2017),
Center of development of museum work (Saint-Petersburg, 2015-2020),

Sintem (Chechnya, 2018)
Festival of the City of Rights (Voronezh, Russia, 2018),
Summer School "Territory of Freedom" (St.Petersburg, 2015-2017),
Goethe-Institut St. Petersburg


  • 2024. A residency at ODRADEK, Centre de création, formation, développement pour les Arts de la Marionnette (Toulouse, France).
  • 2024. 10th EXPO Expo Festival: A Showcase of Wahlberliner*innen at the English Theatre (Berlin).
  • 2022-2023. PAP Mentorship Program (Berlin). ITI Academy & Theater der Welt Festival (Berlin-Frankfurt am Main).
  • 2022. #TakeHeart- residensy at the HELLERAU (Dresden), supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste
  • 2020. The ETC Artist Residency Program in the Department of Dramaturgy at Schauspielhaus Graz. With a focus on the Bürger*innenbühne program (Graz, Austria)
  • 2018-2019. Federal Chancellor Fellowship for Leaders of Tomorrow by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Berlin)
  • 2019. International Forum Program of the Theatertreffen Festival (Berlin)
  • 2017. International Community Arts Festival (ICAF Rotterdam) with the performance Double Eagle
  • 2017. Literature Festival LIT:Potsdam, program "Next Stage Europe" (Potsdam)
  • 2013, 2015. Festival of young playwrights "Lyubimovka" (Moscow)
  • 2012. Alexander Volodin Festival "Pyat vecherov (Five evenings)", First Reading Program (Saint-Petersburg).
natasha borenko
nborenko (at)

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